Providing online or video psychotherapy to residents in California

trauma therapist offering brainspotting

I’m a trauma therapist who uses brainspotting to move through old and new wounds and to stop feeling stuck.

Maybe you’ve seen other trauma therapists and it has felt like talking about your feelings only gets you so far. It’s so easy to get stuck in rationalizing why you feel a certain way that you might notice getting stuck there. How does the change happen? How can you move from understanding to actually feeling different? Brainspotting can help you release what feels stuck and what traditional talk therapy might not have previously helped with. 

Brainspotting is a powerful mind and body therapy that helps you process and release difficult emotions that otherwise might feel trapped. Developed by David Grand in 2003, Brainspotting has evolved from another trauma modality called EMDR. As a trauma therapist, I’ve seen Brainspotting used for not only trauma or sexual abuse therapy, but to also just tackle the areas of your life where you feel stuck and where traditional talk therapy has only gotten you so far.

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how brain-
spotting with a trauma therapist
can help

Seeing a trauma therapist, or a brainspotter, can help almost any area of your life where you are feeling stuck. Together we can help release trauma, constant worry, the darkness of depression, feelings of not being good enough, artistic blocks, increase hope, support emotional regulation and so much more. Many folks have come to me after seeking sexual abuse therapy or traditional trauma therapist and continue to feel stuck. Brainspotting helps you reconnect with the parts of you that maybe you haven’t been able to access with more traditional methods of therapy. 

We can use Brainspotting in conjunction with other modalities or solely on it’s own. It's really what feels best for you.

You don’t have to feel stuck.

You don’t have to live a life in chaos.

You can create a life beyond trauma.

You can feel less overwhelmed by the world we live in.


Hi, I’m Emily, I’m a trauma therapist in San Francisco offering Brainspotting.

I know how hard it is to find a Bay Area therapist, especially a trauma therapist. I’ve been there and it takes a lot of courage to take those first steps. What I love most about Brainspotting is that you are in charge. I have no agenda and while I guide you through the process, we move at your own pace. I love working with people who are sick and tired of being unhappy and who know something isn’t working but maybe aren’t quite sure what it is. I work with people who want to change even when it’s downright terrifying to do so. I provide LGBTQ+ affirming therapy and have a focus in working with highly sensitive people, but also work with a variety of folks who want to figure out what isn’t working in their life.

Therapy for highly sensitive people
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faqs about brainspotting & trauma therapy


+ What is brainspotting?

Brainspotting is a powerful tool or trauma therapy that can help individuals move through trauma, anxiety, depression, PTSD, sexual abuse, stress, limiting beliefs and patterns, and so much more. Through brainspotting I help you identify, process, and release emotional experiences that are keeping you stuck. We can use brainspotting in addition to other therapies, or it can be used on it's own.

+ What does a brainspotting session look like?

At the beginning of our session we'll identify what you want to work on. During this time I'll have you notice where in your body you feel activated as you bring up this issue. From there we'll have you rate on a scale of 1-10 how activated that spot in your body feels. From there we'll look for the "brainspot." The brainspot is the part of your brain that is actived when you think about the issue you want to work on. Accessing the subcortical part of your brain allows us to process your trauma in a new way while also changing how you relate to the trauma. From there, together we'll have you focus on the brainspot and notice what'a coming up for you. It might be thoughts, sensations, feelings, memories. All of it's ok, and there's no right or wrong way to do it. You can talk out loud about what you are experiencing, or some people are quiet during the process. It's whatever is right for you.

+ What does it feel like after a session?

Everyone's experience is different. Some people feel tired or hungry afterwards, while others feel more relaxed and calmer. After a session your brain is contiuing to reprocess the event and will continue to over time.

+ Do we meet in person or online?

Right now, I'm only offering online sessions. However, the beauty of Brainspotting is that unlike other modalities it's actually super effective online. You just want to make sure you are in a space that feels comfortable, safe, and confidential.

+ Is online therapy as effective?

While a lot of folks feel like there is a different energy to online therapy, research shows that it is actually just as effective as in-person therapy. What is most important is actually the relationship you have with your therapist. I always stress how important fit is with your therapist, and that is one of the biggest indicators as to how effective therapy will be. Of course you have to put in the work too, but the therapeutic relationship is a really important foundation.

+ Do I have to have experienced a traumatic event in order for this to be helpful?

As a trauma therapist, I've found that brainspotting is helpful for all types of issues and it doesn't have to be specifically related to a traumatic event (but it can be too). Brainspotting can help individuals who are feeling overwhelmed in their life, finding it challenging to move through depression, noticing constant worry, difficulties in relationships, trouble communicating, and so many other things. If you aren't sure whether or not this is right for you, feel free to reach out and we can talk about it more.

+ What is your fee for a brainspotting session?

My fee for a 50 minute session is $225. Some people find longer sessions to be helpful for this type of work in which case my fee is prorated.

+ Do you take insurance?

I do not currently accept insurance, so fees cannot be billed directly to your insurance company. I’m happy to provide monthly statements for out-of-network insurance reimbursement. Please contact your insurance company regarding out-of-network coverage verification for mental health services. Reimbursify is a great resource if you need support submitting for reimbursement.