Providing individual video psychotherapy for individuals wanting to lower anxiety, set boundaires, and manage stress

bay area counseling: individual

I am a therapist in San Francisco supporting individuals who are tired of walking through life in a fog and want to feel grounded, confident, and present.

As a Bay Area therapist, I’ve learned that therapy isn’t just about “fixing things.” I view therapy as a requirement for life maintenance and general wellness. It doesn’t mean you’ll be in therapy forever it just means that life is hard - and that’s normal. The anxiety, depression, sadness, exhaustion and general fog that is following you around means you’re actually human and you’re having a normal response to the really fucked up, broken, system we live in.

I can’t fix whatever “it” is for you, but I’d love to join you for the ride and empower you to create your own change.

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how individual therapy
can help

I want to get in the weeds with you and untangle what isn’t working for you. I will push you and challenge you to look at the parts of yourself that have maybe gathered some dust, but are craving to be seen. When those parts come out that’s when change happens. I’m engaged, directive, and I don’t just sit back and listen. I use laughter as medicine, because when things feel so shitty sometimes it’s ok to find humor in it as well.

I interweave different tools including mindfulness, somatics (body-based work), brainspotting, and connection through the therapy relationship to support you in exploring what your own needs are.

You can create a life that is meaningful with depression and anxiety.

You can move through old wounds and trauma and feel whole.

You feel confident in who you are and in the life that you’ve created.


Hi, I’m Emily, I’m a therapist in San Francisco

I know how hard it is to find a Bay Area therapist - I’ve been there and it takes a lot of courage to take those first steps. I love working with people who are sick and tired of being unhappy and who know something isn’t working but maybe aren’t quite sure what it is. I work with people who want to change even when it’s downright terrifying to do so. I provide LGBTQ+ affirming therapy and have a focus in working with highly sensitive people, but also work with a variety of folks who want to figure out what isn’t working in their life.

Therapy for highly sensitive people
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bay area counseling FAQs


+ How do you know if we're a good fit? There are so many San Franisco therapists to choose from!

Fit is so important, and I would argue the most important aspect as to whether or not therapy will work for you. I always set up a 15 minute consultation call so that you can get an initial feel of how I work and ask any questions you might have. I usually recommend 1-3 sessions to see how the fit feels. There is always some awkwardness and discomfort in starting a new therapy relationship, but there should also be a part of you that feels put at ease. If it doesn't feel like a good fit with me, that is more than ok! I'm happy to provide you with referrals to some other folks.

+ Do you only work with individuals who are highly sensitive or in the LGBTQ community?

Nope! People come to me for all differnt types of reasons. If you are coming to me with something that I don't think I'll be able to support you with then I'll be upfront about that and refer you to someone who is able to support you.

+ What does it mean to be highly sensitive?

You can find more about the highly sensitive trait here.

+ What is online therapy?

You can find more about online therapy here.

+ What is brainspotting?

Brainspotting is a powerful tool that can help individuals move through trauma, anxiety, depression, PTSD, stress, limiting beliefs and patterns, and so much more. Through brainspotting I help you identify, process, and release emotional experiences that are keeping you stuck. We can use brainspotting in addition to other therapies, or it can be used on it's own.

+ What is ecotherapy?

You can learn more about ecotherapy here.

+ Do you offer weekend appointments?

No, I don't currently offer weekend appointments. I currently see individuals Monday through Wednesday.

+ How long are sessions with you?

My sessions are all 50 minutes long. Ecotherapy sessions are 60 minutes long.

+ Do you treat children or adolescents?

I work with mature teenagers who are 16+. You are welcome to reach out to me if your teen is interested in working with me. We can then set up a call to determine if I'm a good fit.

+ Do you work with couples?

I don't work with couples, although there may be moments where bringing your partner in for a session can be a way to support you. I'm happy to provide you with a referral to some great couples therapists out there!

+ What if something comes up and I need to cancel?

I have a 48 hour cancellation policy, so I ask that you let me know 48 hours ahead of time if you need to cancel. If you aren't able to do so, I do have to charge for the session time.

+ What is your fee?

My fee for a individual 50 minute session is $225.

+ Do you take insurance?

I do not currently accept insurance, so fees cannot be billed directly to your insurance company. I’m happy to provide monthly statements for out-of-network insurance reimbursement. Please contact your insurance company regarding out-of-network coverage verification for mental health services. Reimbursify is a great resource if you need support submitting for reimbursement.

+ Ok, this all sounds good. How do I set up a consulation with you?

You can reach out to me here to set up a 15 minute consultation call. You are also welcome to reach out to me at or call me at 510-833-6506.